📄️ Smart contracts overview
Panoptic smart contracts directly interface with Uniswap v3's core contracts to create an options market.
📄️ SemiFungiblePositionManager
The SFPM smart contract manages LP position using the ERC1155 interface.
📄️ Panoptic factory
Deploys an options market on top of an existing Uniswap v3 pool.
📄️ Panoptic pool
Creates and manages undercollateralized options.
📄️ Receipt token
Tracks and manages collateral using a shares model.
📄️ Migrator
Effortlessly transfers the liquidity from Uniswap v3 to Panoptic.
📄️ TokenId
In Panoptic, every option position is represented by a unique ID. This ID is a uint256 and thus contains 256 bits. The reason is is referred to as an "ID" is because it is the ID of an ERC1155 semi-fungible NFT.
📄️ Left-Right encoding
How information is stored inside a 256-bit container.